Practical implementation of strategic health initiatives

Are you a manager looking for effective tools to promote health in the workplace? Do you want to understand, detect, and counteract illness and harmful stress in your workplace? With our Management Training Program, you will learn to identify and understand factors contributing to ill health. You will also acquire concrete tools to design structures and practices that prevent mental and physical health issues within your team.

The most crucial factor in creating a health-promoting workplace is you and your role as a manager. It is through your leadership that the conditions for your team and employees are established.

A toolbox for brain health

In collaboration with leading researchers and experts in prevention, stress management, nutrition, and recovery, IMR’s Management Training Program provides you with a concrete toolbox and methods for strategic health initiatives. This is with a focus on physical and mental health, stress, and overall well-being. After completing the program, you will be better equipped with knowledge of prevention and methods for working health-promoting and measurable.